[CFF 2022] CRUISE Review - A Deeper Look at the Other End of the Phone Line
Ashley Anderson says the relatability of receiving unwanted spam calls creates the uncertain potential for Cruise’s realism.
[CFF 22 Review] ‘Night Shift’ puts up a hell of a fight
Greg Swinson and Ryan Thiessen’s Night Shift is a no-holds-barred siege film with an unkillable emotional core.
[CFF 2022] NIGHT SHIFT Review - Misogyny is Thicker than Wood Pulp
Breanna Lucci says Night Shift is a layered story that exposes the ugly side of our patriarchal society.
Instead of a traditional ghost story, Hooper weaves a tale of family secrets being just as frightening as any ghost. In fact, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to say that the explicit introduction of the supernatural weakens this film.
CFF Review: Gregory Shultz’ ’Hell Hole’ Brings Big Excitement, Small Pieces
Everything about ‘Hell Hole’ harkens back to the Showa era of Godzilla and a childhood favorite of mine, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.
[CFF 2022] CUBED ROW Review - An Invasion of the Surreal
Jaclyn Bartlett says Cubed Row offers a captivating experience, creating a unique world through its stunning visual elements.
[CFF 2022] LANDLOCKED Review - VHS Tapes Illustrate a Disillusioning Story
Breanna Lucci says Landlocked provides a modern spin on found footage while tackling the complexities of family history and grief.
[CFF 2022] SCHOOLHOUSE BLOCK Review - Outstanding Shorts from the Student Film Showcase
Ashley Anderson was impressed with the level of creativity and quality highlighted in the Schoolhouse Block Student Film Showcase program at the Chattanooga Film Festival.
[CFF 2022] LIVIN’ AFTER MIDNIGHT Review - An Intriguing Queer Vampire Romance
Jaclyn Bartlett says Livin’ After Midnight is a unique vampire story with an intriguing commentary on the LGBTQ+ experience.
Having only created parts one and five, Burleson playfully invites us to go for a ride down memory lane and take a chance on a sequel that you don’t know the set up for and have a blast doing so.
Arrow Films releasing Christmas comedy/horror The Leech in December
Arrow Films announced that it has acquired the distribution rights for the Christmas horror comedy film The Leech.
Joseph’s Review: The Leech (Chattanooga Film Festival)
Combining escalating uncomfortable dark humor with a mind-blowing, outrageous third act of psychological horror, writer/director Eric Pennycoff’s The Leech is a scorcher.
Honeycomb REVIEW | Chattanooga Film Festival 2022
Honeycomb, the feature debut from co-writer/director Avalon Fast, is a strange film in a variety of wonderful ways.
[CFF ’22] ‘Chicken House’ review: Coming of age with the help of LDS and a poltergeist
Chicken House is a movie that is easy to sum up but impossible to describe.
Review: THE PASSENGER Takes Us on a Wild Road Trip
In grand cinematic fashion, The Passenger is a film that showcases a road trip gone horribly wrong.
Eric Pennycoff’s sophomore feature The Leech is certainly a film that seeks to make the skin crawl and induce an internal tightening at how awkward and uncomfortable it gets.
Chattanooga Film Festival 2022 Review: THE OUTWATERS Immerses You in a Blood-Soaked Nightmare
The Outwaters premiered at this year’s virtual Chattanooga Film Festival and does a great job of making the viewer feel like a part of the terror onscreen, setting up a believable story, and utilizing outstanding practical effects.
[Chattanooga Film Festival Review] LANDLOCKED
Film theorist Walter Benjamin put a lot of importance on the use of video recorders because the machine could reveal hidden moments or aspects of everyday life.
[Chattanooga Film Festival Review] PHANTOM PROJECT
PHANTOM PROJECT holds a bit of appeal in its cuteness, but the story, character development, and even the ghost fail to reach a more transcendent level.